William Marcus, Ph.D., D.A.B.T. (Toxicology), former U.S.
EPA, Senior Science Advisor, Office of Drinking Water.*
Albert W. Burgstahler, PILD. (Organic Chem, Environ. Fluoride)
Robert J. Carton, Ph.D. (Environ. Sciences and Risk Assessment).
Paul Connett, Ph.D. (Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology).
Richard Foulkes, M.D., fmr. Consult. to Health Minstr., BC, Canada
J. William Hirzy, Ph.D. (Chem and Risk Assess) Sr.VP, NFFE,EPA
Robert L. Isaacson, Ph.D. (Neurobehavioral Science). Dist.
Prof. David C. Kennedy, D.D.S., Inter. Acad. Oral Med. and Toxicology.
Harold D. Kletschka, M.D., F.A.C.S.(finr. Chair. of Bio-Medicus,Inc)
Lennart Krook, D.V.M., Ph.D. (Pathology) Cornell Univ.and NYSC.
Richard A. Kunin, MD., Pres., Soc. for orthomotecuia HIth.Medicine
Gene W. Nfler, Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Toxicology).
Phyllis Mullemy, Ph.D. Owmacology and Neumtoxicology)
John Colquhoun, BDS, MPhIL Ph.D., DipEd., Prin. Dent. Ofc. NZ.
John A.Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
A. K. Susheela, Ph.D., F.A.Sc., F.A.M.S. (Ifistocryochemistry)
Benedict J. Gallo, Ph.D.(Botany). Research Mcrobiologist.
Norman R. Mancuso,Ph.D. (Chemistry) Apollo Project Scientist.
Andrew Berna-Ificks, Hazardous Substance Engineer, Cal EPA.
Jason Kupperschmidt, B.C. (Chem. Engr)
Rudolph Ziegelbecker, Ph.D. (Phys.) Inst. of Environ Hlth.Austria
M.A. Krikker M.D., Hemochromatosis Found, Albany, N.Y.
Dean Burk, Ph.D. (Biochemistry) former Senior Chemist and
Director Cytochemistry Section, National Cancer Institute.
Harold Warner, Prof Of Research; Chief, Biomedical Engineer Div.
Sheila L. M. Gibson, M.D., B.Sc., M.F. Hom. (Research Physician)
James B. Patrick, Ph.D. (Chemistry) , Antibiotics Research.
I. R. B. Mann, Senior Lecturer in Environ. Studies, U. of Auckland.
Bruce J. Spittle, Ph.D., Psycho. Med., U. of Otago Med. Sch., NZ
George L. Waldbott, MD., fladr. Inter Soc for Fl. Res. and j. Fluoride
Alfred Taylor, Ph.D, Research Scientist, Clayton Fnd. Biochem. Inst.
Ludwik Gross, M.D, fmr Chief of Cancer Res. Vetrans Admin, N.Y.
Dr. Daniel Zaskin, Chf. Diagnostician, Columbia Sch of Dental Surg.
Geoffrey E. Smith, L.D.S., R.C.S. Dental Surgeon.
Philip R- N. Sutton, D.D.Sc., L.D.S., F.R.A.C.D.S.
Brian A. Dementi~ Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Toxicology)
John P. Flaherty, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Simon Beisler, M.D., Chief of Urology, Roosevelt Hosp. N.Y.
Fred Squier, M.D., Head of Oral Surgery, Lenox Hill Hosp. N.Y.
John Garlock, M.D., Consulting Surgeon, ML Sinai Hosp. N.Y.
Edgar A. Lawrence, M.D., Dir. of Medicine, Lenox Hill
Girard F. Oberrender, M.D., Dir. of Otolaryugology, Lenox Hill
Frederick B. Exner, M.D. Fellow of the Am. Coll. Of Radiology.
Charles C. Bass, M.D., Dean Emeritus, Tulane Univ. Med. Sch.
Alton Ochsner, M.D., head, Dept of Surgery, Tulane Univ. Med. Sch.
Alfred I Murray, M.S.T. (Chemistry).
Mark Diesendorf, Ph-D. (INUthematics).
John J. Miller, Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
Paul I-L Phillips, Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
Kaj Roholm, M.D., Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
Hubert A. Arnold, Ph.D. (Math) UCDavis
James W. Benfield, A.B., D.D.S., F.A.C.D.
Eugene Peterson, Ph.D. (Chem.Engr.) UCB.
Cornelius Steelink, Prof Erner. Chem.
John Thomson, Ph.D. (Biochemistry)
D. Skinner, B. Sc., MD. C.A.F.C.I.
Richard Manus, Ph.D. (Physics) UCBerkely
Laura Nader, Ph.D. (Anthropology)UCB
D. W. Hanson, Ph.D. (Chem. Engr.)UCB
C. J. King, Ph.D. (Chem. Engr.)UCB
J. B. Neilands, Ph.D. (Biochemistry)UCB
Giovanni Ames, Ph.D. (Biochem.) UCB |
John R. Lee, M.D. (Physician)
J. C. Smart, Ph-D. (Chemistry) UCB
Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Gerson Jacobs, MD.
Michael F. Ziff, D.D.S..
Harvey Petraborg, MD.
Robert I H. Mick, D.D.S. E. R- Cooper, M.D.
C. T. Betts, D.D.S.
I E. Waters, D.D.S.
Allen London, D.D.S.
Edward A. McLaughlin, M.D.
Philip E. Zafagna, M.D.
George W. Heard, D.D.S.
Charles Dillon, D.D.S., L.D.
S. Leslie A. Russell, D.M.D. (dentist)
Casimir R. Sheft, D.D.S.
Jonathan Forman, M.D.
Ross Pringle, D.D.S.
A. B. MacWhimiie, D.D.S.
A.C. Baumann, D.D.S.
Kirk Youngman, D.M.D.
L. A. Alesen, M.D.
Paul W. Sheeran, D.M.D.
Thomas F. Evans, D.D.S.
Robert Davis, D.D.S.
William I Filante, MD.
Joyal W. Taylor, D.D.S.
Michael Ohnstad, D.D.S.
Sheridan B. Mianasen, D.D.S
Scott McAdoo, D.D.S.
Tony Lees, B.D.S. Dentl Surgn
Frederick W. Howe, D.D.S.
Ellsworth D. Foreman, D.M.D.
Robert D. Stephan, D.D.S.
Carl Mestman, D.D.S.
Hans Moolenburgh, M.D.
Peter Mansfield, M.D.
William F. Corell, M.D.
F. Logan Stanfield, M.D.
Julian Whitaker, MD.
Robert C. Atkins, M.D.
James A. Paar, M.D.
Kemieth H. Rudolph, M.D.
Jonathan Wright M.D.
John McDougall, MD.
Steven M. Rachlin, M.D.
John R. Lilliendahl, Jr. D.D.S.
Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S.
Herbert H. Robinson, D.D.S.
James P. Hammond, MD.
Philip Sukel, D.D.S.
Deloss E. Winkler, Ph.D. (Chem.)
Andrew Weil, UD, Health Advocate
Thomas M. DeStefimo, A.B., D.D.S.
Harlee S.Strauss, Ph.D. (Molecular Biology)
Geoffrey Dobbs, Ph.D. (Botony) A.R.C.S.
Frederick I. Scott, B.E., M.S., Chem. Engr.
Thomas D. Hinesly, Prof. of Soil Ecology
Roy E. Hanford, MD. (Phys. and Surgeon)
Stanley Monteith, MD., ret. Ortho. Surgeon.
G. A. Samotjoi, Ph.D. (Chemistry) UCB
Henry Cheung, Ph.D. (Chem. Engr.)Alexis T Bell, Ph.D. (Chem. Engr.)UCB |