Fluoride in Foods

compiled by Rob Pratt


Flappin' Their Gums
About Fluoride

The Ballot

The presence of fluoride in foods and the consequence of it remains one of the most hotly contested points of the debate over Measure N, the water-fluoridation ban Santa Cruz voters decide on March 2. Anti-fluoridation groups say that most people get enough fluoride from other sources and don't require any more in drinking water. Pro-fluoridation groups say that the common occurrence of the element demonstrates a long record of safety.

Dole Pineapple Juice 0.78
Lucerne 2 Percent Milk 0.72
Coca-Cola 0.82
Pepsi 0.37

Source: Laboratory analysis performed May 1998 by Sequoia Analytical, provided by Citizens for Safe Drinking Water.

(Amounts expressed in milligrams per liter. The 1 part-per-million level of water fluoridation equates to 1 milligram per liter.)

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