25. An Ordinance of the City of Santa Cruz Enacting a New Chapter 6.85 to the Santa Cruz Municipal Code Prohibiting Fluoridation of the Municipal Water Supply.
City Attorney J. Barisone presented an oral staff report. City Clerk E. Solden announced that information in opposition to the ordinance had been received from George Wolfe, Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency; 7 letters in support of the ordinance and information from the Citizens for Safe Drinking Water; and 16 telephone calls in support of the ordinance. SPEAKING FROM THE FLOOR. Lois Kirby requested members of the audience who were concerned with fluoride to raise their hands; approximately 60 persons responded with raised hands. Ms. Kirby also spoke in support of the ordinance. Miss Davis spoke in support of the ordinance. George Wolfe, County and City Health Officer, speaking as an individual and a public health practitioner, spoke in opposition to the ordinance and in support of fluoride in the City's water. Sharon Green, speaking on behalf of the County Public Health Commission, spoke in opposition to the ordinance and in support of fluoridation of the City's water. Marv Cohn spoke in support of the ordinance. Theodora Kerry spoke in support of the ordinance. Jay Balser, dentist at Dientes Dental Clinic, spoke in opposition to the ordinance. Becky Johnson spoke in support of the ordinance. Paul Gaylon spoke in support of the ordinance. David Whitesail presented petitions with 79 signatures, and spoke in support of the ordinance. Trace Farley spoke in support of the ordinance. Sandra Pastorius spoke in support of the ordinance. Dan Childers spoke in support of the ordinance and presented information on fluoridation. Maureen Jones, Safe Water Coalition, spoke in support of the ordinance and presented information in opposition to fluoridation. Brad Mavis spoke in support of the ordinance. Jeff Green, Volunteer Director for Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, and also representing dentist Dr. David C. Kennedy, spoke in support of the ordinance and presented information in opposition to fluoridation. John Thielking spoke in support of the ordinance. Dr. Paul Goth spoke in support of the ordinance. Deborah Lindsay spoke in support of the ordinance. Carol Long spoke in support of the ordinance. Mike Ross spoke in support of the ordinance. Jane Walton spoke in opposition to the ordinance. Tom Clunie, D.C., spoke in support of the ordinance. Robert Norse spoke in support of the ordinance. Shaz Rydstedt spoke in support of the ordinance. Betsy McCarty, Chief of Public Health of Santa Cruz County, spoke in support of fluoridation. Kitten Reynolds read a warning on a tube of toothpaste. An unidentified speaker spoke in support of the ordinance. Linda Mauregard spoke in support of the ordinance. Sue Reynoldson spoke in support of the ordinance. Pat Kittle spoke in support of the ordinance. Director of Water B. Kocher responded to Council's questions. Action Councilmember Rotkin moved, seconded by Mayor Scott, to introduce Ordinance No. 98-01 for publication. The City Attorney was directed to strengthen the ordinance and revise the WHEREAS sections in the ordinance to delete the list of references to specific studies and to add a public health argument consistent with the spirit of the Director of Water's memo; to include at least one WHEREAS that makes clear that there are numerous studies that do raise serious questions about the dangers to public health; to consolidate WHEREAS numbers 16 and 17 to eliminate the redundancies and to revise language in 16 to read "...It is much more efficient There are selective methods for persons who wish to use fluoride for dental purposes to do so by other means, such as fluoridated toothpaste or fluoride tablets, though many high risk individuals may not be reached by these methods." And 17 to read "There are equally, if not more, effective and efficient other, if less efficient, means of using fluoride..."; and the addition of a WHEREAS to include information regarding the State's failure to fund adequate medical care. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Beiers, Rotkin, Campbell, Hernandez, Kennedy; Mayor Scott. NOES: Councilmember Mathews. ABSENT: None. DISQUALIFIED: None. The City Attorney was directed to provide a draft of the ordinance to Councilmembers by Thursday and Councilmembers were requested to provide the City Attorney with comments by Friday, February 13, 1998, in order for the ordinance to come back for final adoption at the February 24 Council meeting. The City Attorney was directed to prepare alternative ordinances, if comments from Councilmembers are contradictory, and the City Clerk was directed to publish each alternative, so that Council can adopt an ordinance at the second reading.